Monday 2 April 2012

Why do I have a blog?

Is it so that I can angst in a self-referential manner about my unhelpful procrastination skills? No! Is it because I am a sheep? Maybe. And if I had a question I could follow with 'yes!' then this would be a fairly pointless, but refreshingly brief post.

Perhaps I wanted to be able to share my ranting with the world, or I hoped that the idea of random denizens of the Internet being able to read anything I wrote about revision would fill me with a sense of obligation to actually do some.

Actually the real reason I have a blog is probably twofold:
- My search for new sources of displacement activity has led me to start following other people's blogs and I started to feel left out.
- After helping my friend come up with potential names for her blog 'that would make a great name for a blog!' became the new 'that would make a great name for a band!' and I came across the phrase 'Elemental Tea', so...

As to where the name came from - all credit to Alexander Pope, ladies and gentlemen. Lines 61-2, Canto 1 of the Rape of the Lock:

Soft yielding minds to Water glide away,
And sip, with Nymphs, their elemental Tea.

And in the 18th century, 'tea' rhymed with 'away'! :D (I'd say that this is epic, but that would be a rather dreadful pun, since the poem is a mock epic...)


  1. Or maybe 'away' rhymed with tea? Just a suggestion...

    1. According to the notes in the back of my school version its 'tea' rhymed with 'away' - did you want it the other way round for a cool linguistic reason? :)
