Sunday 1 April 2012

Hello, world

Nice to meet you (:
(Or nice to think you may be spending a minute of your life reading something I wrote anyway.) I'm Erin - just about an adult, but pretty far from being grown up.

I'm quite geeky, excitable (consider yourself duly warned for exclamation mark and capitals abuse) and may be too lazy to update this regularly. I expect I'll be blogging about medical school (fingers crossed I get there), ranting about fandom and adding to the wealth of pointless Internet in my own special way.

Things I like: Biology, Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey-Maturin series (cue incoherent gesticulation as I fail to convey the awesome), Tolkien (ditto),  Pratchett (there's a pattern here), Star Trek (TOS), Wodehouse, Doctor Who (especially 3, 10 and 11), Conan Doyle, Jules Verne, the Edge Chronicles, waistcoats, pocket watches, 5ml beakers, moustaches, the history of medicine and lots lots lots more. I am very attached to all of them, so either I have a really big heart or a very short attention span...

Things I don't like: GLORFINDEL WASN'T IN THE LORD OF THE RINGS FILMS  D: and the real world's pretty messed up too.

I can't promise not to sound pretentious sometimes (read: most of the time), but it will probably be because I like excuses to use long words  rather than because I'm incredibly stuck up. Though that might be the same thing.

TTFN - and that's not at all pretentious, since I got it from Tigger in one of the Winnie the Pooh films, right?

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