Wednesday 11 April 2012

Limpets: Best. Thing. Ever.

Another awesome thing is best friends who link to you on their blogs (a warm welcome if you’ve popped over from Sex and Drugs and Doctor Who), thereby forcing you to stop revising and post something. So anyway, limpets.

I went on a biology field trip a year or so ago to the Welsh coast, and what I gained from this trip was an appreciation of the brilliance of limpets. That probably wasn’t the main educational goal, but ‘tevs.

To convince any doubters, here are three reasons why they are so fantastic:  

  •       Some species are homing – they always find their way back to exactly the same spot. So if you had fairly non-urgent messages to carry across short distances…

  •       The giant limpet’s shell can grow up to 20cm long! O.O That is a big limpet.


The limpets are coming!


Limpet... wants a hug?

Oh, and if you don’t want to see something slightly scary, then don’t search for images of limpet teeth from a SEM. You have been warned.

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