Saturday, 21 July 2012

National Transplant Week

So last week was National Transplant Week.

I think I can say with some certainty that this is an awareness and donor numbers-boosting thing rather than the only week in 2012 when organ transplants are done in the Britain.

Three people die every day waiting for a transplant in the UK. You can join the organ donor register here. It's really easy and will take 5 minutes. Or you could spend one second ticking a box when applying for a driving licence. One of the slogans on posters at the moment runs 'if you believe in organ donation, prove it', which is shockingly apt. (Figures from here) 96% of people when asked say that they believe organ donation is the right thing to do, and how many have joined the register? 33%.

It is important to register and to make sure that your family and friends are aware of your intentions so that they will be carried out. Relatives are statistically much more likely to agree to a donation if the potential donor was on the register.

(Infographics from the NHSBT website.)

An interesting fact from the NHSBT (NHS Blood and Transplant) website: the oldest donor and recipient of a cornea were both 104.

The NHS Organ Donor Registry, incidentally, was established in 1994, which means it's younger than me and it's done more good in that time than I'm likely to in my entire life.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Long time, no blog update

But look: I drew you flowers.

I plead insanity - or more specifically A2 exams and going to Wales. The trouble is, one feels obliged to end one's absence with a particularly deep and meaningful/entertaining post, so one ends up waiting to return until one has found such a topic. Or giving up and posting anyway.

Things that have happened:

- I was attacked by a chicken
- I discovered lemon and ginger tea, and Welsh cakes - delicious!
- Exams are over (huzzah!)
- And Murray lost the tennis...

I've got a few ideas for posts waiting, so updates should be a bit more regular from now on.